Tramite un amico americano ho trovato questo post di una signora americana che vive in Giappone e che presenta la realtà del terremoto e l'impatto sulla vita dei giapponesi in modo ben diverso da come viene proposto dai media di tutto il mondo.
E' una lettura fresca e diretta evale la pena per mettersi di buon umore la domenica: finché ci sono i blog c'è speranza, non perchè dicono la verità (ci sono anche i blog che mentono, scrivono scemenze o peggio porcherie) ma poter scegliere, confrontare, farsi una propria opinione è certamente un grande antidoto rispetto al rincoglionimento di massa.
Qualche passaggio:
The foreign media is accusing the Japanese government of hiding information, but the problem is not with the Japanese government hiding information, it’s with the foreign media, not being fluent in Japanese, not UNDERSTANDING the information.
9.0 earthquake + tsunami + Level 4 nuclear accident + gas shortages + food and water shortages + power failures + total stoppage of trains + total blocking of roads and highways + large, dangerous aftershocks that continue to grumble a week later + economic instability = ???
Now ask yourself how your country’s government would handle this situation. Do you believe that your country could do a better job of of keeping 127 million people safe and secure under those conditions? Would they do the right thing and make the right decisions every step of the way?
And, for my final act, I would like to ask you, have you seen any scenes of looting and violence in the aftermath of all of this destruction?
No, you have not.
The reason that things are already going so well in Japan now (and YES, they are), despite the continuing aftershocks, despite the threat of a nuclear accident, despite the shortages, is because Japanese citizens are honest, hard-working, principled, intelligent, and above all resilient people. And their government tends to be the same.
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