Shine a light on your notifications and alerts.
(Credit: Video screenshot by Amanda Kooser/CNET)
You’ve got mail. You’ve got a new Facebook friend request. Someone wants to chat. You’ve been mentioned in a tweet. Your mom left a voicemail. Your gadgets are constantly trying to get your attention, but bell, ringer, and buzzer alerts get old fast.
These alerts must mean it’s party time. (Click to enlarge.)
(Credit: Video screenshot by Amanda Kooser/CNET)
Get some peace and quiet (or at least quiet) with the L8 SmartLight. The Kickstarter project consists of a small box full of 64 RGB LEDs in a grid on one side and a single super RGB LED on the other. Talk to your smartphone, connect to your social networks, and feed Internet alerts to the box through Bluetooth or USB.
The battery-powered L8 — which measures 2.4 inches by 2.4 inches by less than an inch — can be set to notify you of just about any event you want. Got a new e-mail? Get a flashing light. Status update from your sweetheart? Trigger a pulsing LED heart. Boss left a voicemail on your day off? Set it for an LED frowny face. A control app is coming soon for iOS. Android, and desktop computers.
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The L8 has internal sensors for temperature, luminosity, and proximity. For example, you can set it to alert you when your room is getting a little too toasty. It also makes for great mood lighting. Imagine creating the ambiance for a romantic dinner with the warm glow of visual Twitter notifications.
A $69 pledge will land you your own L8 if the project is successfully funded. The gadget is open to developers, so hackers should have a field day coming up with creative uses for this clever little box.
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