(Credit: AppWall)The very best feature the iPhone ever had didn’t exist until a year after the iPhone first debuted. It wasn’t the web browser. It wasn’t the touch-screen.It was the apps.While I remember the magical parts of ownin…
Autore: Piero_Tagliapietra
The 404 1,084: Where we get our dates right (podcast)
RIM’s Q1 2013 Results: $518 Million Loss On $2.8 Billion In Revenue, BlackBerry 10 Launch Pushed To 2013
RIM has just released their Q1 2013 financials, and they’re about as bleak as the company expected. The Canadian company reported a loss of $518 million (which breaks down to $0.99/share diluted) on revenues of $2.8 billion.To put…
Gaikai streams Bulletstorm console game in the Chrome browser
Game startup Gaikai streamed the high-end game Bulletstorm to the Chrome web browser today in a demo at the Google I/O conference in San Francisco.Normally, you have to play such games using a console and game disc. Or you could p…
Peel Announces AllPlay TV, A Remote Control For Netflix, DVR, And (Eventually) More
Social TV startup Peel is at the Google I/O developers conference today, showing off an upcoming Google TV integration called AllPlay TV.VP of Marketing Scott Ellis demonstrated AllPlay TV for me earlier this week. He says it’s fu…
Fits.me Finally Shipping A New Robot That Makes It Easier To See What You’re Going To Look In That Suit
As a fat, lazy blogger, I find myself often buying clothes online only to discover that XXL for a designer in Spain is basically a XXS for babies in America. The resulting shape and return fees were enough to drive me to distraction…
Google Bows To Apple: Chrome On iOS Will Use Apple’s Slow UIWebView To Render Web Pages
Google is launching Chrome for iOS today. While many pundits assumed that Google was holding back Chrome from iOS because it couldn’t use its own rendering engine, however, Google just told us that Chrome will actually use the sam…
Google Bows To Apple: Chrome On iOS Will Use Apple’s Slow UIWebView To Render Web Pages
Google is launching Chrome for iOS today. While many pundits assumed that Google was holding back Chrome from iOS because it couldn’t use its own rendering engine, however, Google just told us that Chrome will actually use the sam…
With New Mobile Apps, Eric Schmidt-Backed HealthTap Brings The House Call Back To Healthcare
Over 80 percent of people seek health-related information online, on everything from insurance to help diagnosing aches and pains. As the world goes mobile, so too does health. Instead of using Google for your health queries or peru…
With New Mobile Apps, Eric Schmidt-Backed HealthTap Brings The House Call Back To Healthcare
Over 80 percent of people seek health-related information online, on everything from insurance to help diagnosing aches and pains. As the world goes mobile, so too does health. Instead of using Google for your health queries or peru…
White House Will Take To Twitter To Answer Questions About SCOTUS Obamacare Ruling
The United States Supreme Court today voted to uphold the Affordable Care Act (informally referred to as ObamaCare), the health care reform bill that will require nearly all Americans to have health insurance coverage. It’s a very…
U.S. Army reports successful test of lightning laser technology
Guided lightning bolt travels horizontally, then hits a car.(Credit: U.S. Army)Earlier this spring, the U.S. Army revealed the existence of a project underway to build to build a device that could shoot lightening bolts down laser…
Google’s Nexus 7 starts a whole new tablet war (hands-on)
Google has a lot to prove with the Nexus 7: Does it finally understand tablets, after so much bumbling over the last few years? Can it take back tablet market share from Amazon, which has managed to create the only successful Andr…
Wait, What? No Update For Google TV?
Heading into Google I/O, there was one thing that confused me: Sony and Vizio announced new Google TV products a few days before the annual developer conference. Which I thought was pretty silly, because why would anyone release new…
Google intros Compute Engine infrastructure service
SAN FRANCISCO — It was previously rumored that Google would be introducing an enterprise cloud service during Google I/O this week, and the Internet giant responded during Thursday’s keynote.Urs Holzle, senior vice president of G…